January 6, 2009


My name is Takashi Izumoto.

I am a business consultant in Tokyo, Japan.
My main fields are Strategy and Operation consultation, and business development support.

My career started with a music company where I was in overseas division and involved in importing musical instruments.
Then, I went to a business school, Thunderbird in Arizona, US, and studied International business in very multinational environment for 2 years.

With MBA in International Management, I joined a consulting firm, Deloitte Consulting, where I joined a lot of projects
such as strategy formulation, global market research, business process re-engineering, system implementation, and so on.

After that, I worked for Dell Inc. as a manager of Customer Experience (CE), where my role was to enhance CE
so I led many cross-functional teams for BPI (business process improvement) projects in Sales and Operation activities areas.
As an in-house consultant in Dell, I worked as a business trainer and mentor of BPI projects
conducted in each department of the company.

After Dell, I joined a venture firm and support its establishment of businesses and created their business systems.
Now, I’m a president of a consulting firm, Outbrain Inc. supporting the companies, especially foreign companies
to start and expand their business in Japan market as well as establish management system to support their growth.

In the weekend, I am a musician J I love music and have been playing the drums for more than 20 years in my band.
My band’s name is Bermudapants and you can check our sound by visiting at http://www.bermudapants.com/.
We have a gig once a month so please come and see us.

I’m interested in human “Brain” as you can guess by my company name, outBRAIN.

Currently my special interest is NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). After obtained its license,

I’ve been pursuing to understand the mechanism of human brain deeply.

My career has been basically business consulting so I’ve been involved in very logical thinking approach.

But as you know, you can not manage people by logic only . Understanding the mechanism how people feel, think and act is

very beneficial to be successful in business and life.

My exciting challenge is to create a fusion of my logical consulting approach and NLP emotional/mental field

to find new way or methodology to help people doing business and life more smoothly.

My purpose of this Blog is just to share what I think and feel in Japan with worldwide people.

As you can see, my English is not perfect at all but I will try my best to make my English understandable

and would like to connect with people throughout the world.

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