March 30, 2009

Biz Plan Contest

I was invited to the business plan contest hosted by MBA Solution Inc. as a judge last night.

Each participant presented a great business idea and plan.
All business plans showed high
social contribution to the issue in Japan related to education, aging, employment, and so on.
No one planed a
dot-com business pursuing IPO as people used to do.
I don't' really like the term "Social venture" but it seems booming in recent years.

I was very impressed with the first-prize winner. He provided really good presentation.
I liked his business vision and felt that I personally want to support this business to transform the educational system in Japan. I really would like him to make the business happen.

March 20, 2009

Label + Experience = Insight

There are two types of process to get deep insight.

One is that label (word) is first, and experience follows it.
The other one is that experience first and is labelled later.

For example, business theory without any related experiences is just like rumor.
Only substantial experience can make the theory to be deeply understood and insight.

On the other hand, a lot of experiences can be generalized by theory then
those can result in deep insight.

I often read Peter F. Drucker's books ten years ago when I was studying in a business school.
But, I think I did not understand them at all, because I did not have enough experience of management. Now, I understand Drucker much better, but I'm sure, ten year later, I will look back and think that my current understanding is not enough at all.

Experience is really crown jewel.

March 5, 2009


I have been sick in bed due to hepatic dysfunction for a month.
Today, I went back to work.

It was the first time for me to lie off for such a long time.
During the time, I was bored so read a lot of books.
Usually, I read books related to business, management, and so on.
But this time, I was not interested in such topics so read the books about psychology, brain science, and mythology. It was actually really good opportunity to broaden my view of such areas.

Since I had good rest and got enough energy back, I'm now fully motivated to work on new projects. I thank everyone who helped me.